Detail Syllabus
1st Year 1st Semester (Exempted) Courses
Math-121: Engineering Mathematics-I
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Algebra: Permutation & Combination, Binominal theorem for positive, negative and fractional index, exponential series & logarithmic series, determinant, solution of simultaneous equations with the help of determinant.
Differential Calculus: Function and limit, differential co-efficient from first principle, differentiation of functions, successive differentiation, Maclaurin’s and Taylor’s theorem, Tangent and Normal, Maxima and Minima.
Integral Calculus: Fundamental integral, Indefinite integral, Integration by substitution, Integration by parts, Integration by partial fraction, Definite integral, Application of integration for finding area, volume & work done.
Hum-121: Functional English & Sociology
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Functional English: English grammar: use right form of verbs, construction of sentences, change of sentences, joining pair of sentences, using appropriate preposition, translation and re-translation, letter writing, Free compositions on selected topics.
Sociology: Scope, some basic concepts, social evolution and techniques of production, culture and civilization, social structure of Bangladesh, population and world resources, oriental and occidental societies, industrial revolution, family urbanization and industrialization, urban ecology, co-operative and socialist movement, rural sociology.
Ph-121: Physics-I
3 hours/week Credit: 3
General Physics: Units and measurements, Vector and scalar quantities, Force and motion, Newton’s law of motion, Gravity and gravitation, Simple harmonic motion, Work, Power & Energy, Hydrostatics, Density & Specific gravity.
Sound: Concepts and nature of sound, velocity of sound, resonance, ultrasonic.
Thermometry: Heat capacity of materials, specific heat, latent heat, effect of heat, heat transfer.
Light: Behaviour and nature of light, colour, reflection of light through plain and spherical surfaces, optical instruments
Ph-122: Physics-I Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on Ph-121
Ch-121: Chemistry-I
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Valency and chemical equation, different types of chemical reactions, catalysis and catalysts, acid, base and salt, properties of gases, laws of chemical combinations, Dalton’s atomic theory, Avogadro’s hypothesis, chemical equivalent, atomic weight and molecular weight, introduction to atomic structure, electronic theory of Valency and chemical bonds, electrolysis, PH value of water, acidimetry and alkalimetry,
Acids, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, halogen oxides and hydroxides, gases, carbonates, water, metals, introduction to organic chemistry, ethane, methane, butane, oil, polymer, plastic, thermoplastic.
Ch-122: Chemistry-I Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on Ch-121
EEE-111: Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Electrical Engineering: Units, DC sources, resistance and conductance, Ohm’s law, power and energy. Series and parallel circuits, Kirchoff’s laws. Mesh and nodal analysis. Y-delta transformation. Circuit theorems. Electric field, capacitors. Magnetic circuits, inductance. R-C and R-L circuits with DC excitation.
Alternating current: AC quantities, sinusoidal waveforms, effective and average value of an alternating wave, phasor. AC circuit analysis: RL, RC, RLC series and parallel circuits with sinusoidal excitation, impedance, admittance. Power and power factors: real and reactive power, power measurement, power triangle, power factor correction. Network theorems. Dependent sources, Balanced polyphase circuit.
Single phase transformer operation, Performance and testing, D.C. Machine, Principle of operation, Classifications, Starting and speed control; Induction motors.
Electronic Engineering: Tube/Semiconductor classification and applications; Simple amplifiers and oscillators, Special electron tubes and Semi‑conductor devices with applications.
EEE-112: Basic Electrical & Electronic Engineering Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-111
1st Year 2nd Semester Courses
Math-123: Engineering Mathematics-II
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Set Theory: Operations, Venn Diagrams, Equivalence relations, and Mapping.
Algebra: Partial fractions, Determinant.
Differential Calculus: Function, Limit, Continuity, Differentiability, Derivative: its geometrical interpretation, rules of differentiation. Successive differentiation: n-th derivative of standard functions, Leibnitz’s theorem.
Expansion of Functions: Rolle’s theorem, Mean value theorem, Taylor’s theorem in finite and infinite forms, Maclaurin’s theorem in finite and infinite forms, Lagrange’s form of remainders. Cauchy’s form of remainders.
Indeterminate form, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem, Tangent and normal, Subtangent and subnormal, Maxima and minima of functions of single variables, Curvature, Asymptotes.
Integral Calculus: Integration by parts, Standard Integrals, Integration by the method of successive reduction, Definite integrals, Improper integrals, Beta function, Gamma function, Multiple integrals, Area, Volume of solids of revolution.
Hum-123: English & Economics
3 hours/week Credit: 3
American and British English differences, Phonetic and Spoken English, Basics of English Grammar and its Structures, Basic Sentence Pattern, Error Analysis and Correction, Nominal and Verb Phrases, Verb Modifiers (ADVL of Time, Place and Manner etc.), Report Writing skill, Conversational practice, Vocabulary and its Contextual usage, Appropriate use of Preposition, Communicative Grammar practice, Dialogue Writing, Clauses, Notion and Function, Letter Writing as a separate skill (Business Correspondence and Tenders), Free Writing and Reading comprehension.
Introduction: Definition, Scope of economics, Importance and Uses of economics. Engineering Economics, Importance of economics for engineers.
Basic Economic Concepts: Wants, Wealth, goods, Value, Price, Utility, Production, Income, Consumption, Savings, Investment, Exchange, Distribution, Firm and Industry, Equilibrium, Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Open Market Economy, Controlled Economy.
Nature of Economic Problems and Its Solution: Nature of Economic Problems in Human Life, Different Levels of Activities in Solving Economic Problems. (Production-Exchange-Distribution-Consumption), Price Mechanism.
Utility: Meaning of Total utility and Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Limitation of the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility. Consumer’s Surplus, Importance of the Concept of Consumer’s Surplus.
Demand Analysis: Meaning of Demand, The law of Demand, Exception to the Law of Demand, Demand Schedule, Demand Curve, Types of Demand, Contraction and Extension of Demand, Increase and Decrease of Demand, Causes in Demand.
Elasticity of Demand: Meaning of Elasticity of Demand, Types of Elasticity of Demand, Measurement of Elasticity of Demand, Determinants of Elasticity of Demand.
Theory of Production and Cost: Theory of production, Its contents, Importance of the theory of production, Law of variable proportions, Concepts of Costs, Accounting Cost and economic cots. Short run and long run costs.
National Income, Growth, Fluctuation: Basic Concepts, Gross National Product (GNP), Net National Product (NNP), Methods of measuring National Income, Meaning of Economic growth, Stabilizing the economy, function of Commercial and Central Bank.
Bangladesh Economy: Basic Economic problems of Bangladesh, Economic Development, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Water, Power, Irrigation and Flood Control, Large Scale Industry, Banking System, Economic Planning, Budget.
Ph-123: Physics-II
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Thermal Physics: Kinetic theory of gases, Kinetic calculation of pressure, temperature and energy, Ratio of specific heats, mean free path, Equation of state, Van der Waal’s equation of state, Critical constants, Van der Waal’s constant, Thermal conductivity of solids, Rectilinear, Cylindrical and Spherical flow of heat, Heat flow through compound walls.
First law of Thermodynamics and its application, Isothermal, Adiabatic, Isochoric and Isobaric processes, Work done by expanding gases, Adiabatic gas equation, Reversible and irreversible processes, Second law of thermodynamics, The Carnot Cycle, Entropy, Entropy of perfect gas.
Waves and Oscillations: Wave motion, Types of wave motion, Expression for plane progressive wave and its energy calculation, Interference of sound waves, Beats, Formation of standing waves, Doppler effect, Oscillations, The simple Harmonic waves equation and its Solution. Application of simple harmonic motion, Composition of simple harmonic motion-Lissajou's figure, Damped harmonic motion and its solution, Forced oscillation and resonance. Architectural acoustics, Reverberation, Sabine's reverberation formula.
Properties of Matter: Gravitation, Kepler's Laws of motion, Gravitational Potential and field due to (a) A Spherical shell (b) Solid Sphere (c) Hollow Sphere, Escape velocity, Velocity of Satellite, Elasticity, Elastic constants, Relation between elastic constants, Bending Moment, Cantilever, Surface tension, Cohesive and adhesive forces, Molecular theory of surface tension, Surface energy, Excess pressure of curved surface, Capillarity, Determination of surface tension of water by capillary tube method.
Electricity and Magnetism: Charge and matter, Gauss’s law, Applications of Gauss's Law, Electric potential, Electric potential due to a point charge and dipole, Capacitance and dielectrics. The magnetic field, Amperes law, B near a long wire and Solenoid, Biot-Savart Law - Examples, Faraday’s law, Inductance, Lenz's law, Magnetic properties of matter, Dia-magnetism, Para-magnetism, Ferro-Magnetism, Three magnetic vectors, Hysteresis.
Ph-124: Physics-II Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on Ph-123
Ch-123: Chemistry-II
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Inorganic Chemistry: Quantum numbers, relationship among them, different rules/principles dealing with electron distribution in atom, redox reaction and its balancing, chemical bond: formation, conditions and properties of ionic, covalent, coordinate and metallic bond; Van der Waals force, hydrogen bond, polar bond, Fajan's rules, Lewis structure and formal charge calculation, theory of covalent bonding: Valence bond theory, hybridization, valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model, and molecular shape, noble gases: their isolation, properties and uses, water treatment and heavy water.
Physical Chemistry: Thermochemistry: Enthalpy of reaction, formation and combustion, laws of thermochemistry, Kirchoff's equations, Chemical equilibrium: Law of mass action, Kp and Kc, Le Chatelier's principle and its applications, Chemical Kinetics: rate, order, molecularity of chemical reaction, rate expressions; Solution: its concentration units, Henry's law, Colligative properties: Raoult’s law, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling point, Osmosis: semipermeable membrane, reverse osmosis, laws of osmotic pressure, Distribution law: its derivation, applications, effect of association and dissociation on it, Colloids: definition, classification and preparation, Electrochemistry: Electrolytes, conductance, pH and buffer solutions.
Ch-124: Chemistry-II Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on Ch-123
EEE-113: Electrical Circuit-I
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Sinusoidal Single Phase Circuit Analysis: Series and parallel circuits, Series and parallel resonance, Q of a circuit, Wave trap, Maximum power transfer, Network theorems.
Balanced Polyphase Circuits: Two and four phase system, Three phase four wire system, Three phase three wire system, n-phase star and mesh, Balanced wye and delta loads, Three origin vector diagram of a balanced three phase system, Power measurement (both active and reactive) in balanced systems, Copper required to transmit power under fixed conditions.
Unbalanced Polyphase Circuits: Unbalanced wye and delta loads, Network solutions, Phase-sequence effects, Methods of checking voltage phase sequence, Power measurements (both active and reactive) in unbalanced three phase systems.
Coupled Circuits: Conductively coupled circuits, Mutual impedance, Coefficient of coupling, Mutual inductance, Air-core transformer, Air-core autotransformer.
Non-sinusoidal Waves: Periodic non-sinusoidal waves, Frequency spectrum, Effective values and power.
Transients: Transient of RL, RC and RLC circuits.
Electric Wave Filters: Basic principles, Characteristic impedances of T and p sections, Physical operation of symmetrical T and p sections, Transmission constant of a filter section, Fundamental filter equation, Constant k, m‑derived half and full section, Conventional filter design and operation.
EEE-114: Electrical Circuit-I Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-113
2nd Year 1st Semester Courses
Math-221: Engineering Mathematics-III
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Co-ordinate Geometry: 2-Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry, Change of axes, Transformation of co-ordinates. Pair of straight lines, Circle, System of circles. General equation of second degree.
3-Dimensional Co-ordinate Geometry, System of co-ordinates, Distance of two points. Section formula, Projection, Direction cosines. Equations of planes and lines.
Vector Analysis: Scalars and Vectors, equality of vectors, Addition and subtraction of vectors, Multiplication of vectors by scalars, Position vector of a point, Resolution of vectors, Scalar and vector product of two vectors and their geometrical interpretation. Triple products and multiple products, Application to geometry and mechanics, Linear dependence and independence of vectors, Differentiation and integration of vectors together with elementary applications, Definition line, Surface and volume integral. Gradient, divergence and curl of point functions, various formulae, Green’s theorem, Gauss’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem and their applications.
Ph-221: Physics-III
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Optics: Huygen’s principle, Young’s Experiment, Coherent sources, Interference, Analytical treatment of interference, theory of interference fringes, Fresnel's biprism, Interference from thin films, Colors of thin films, Theory of Newton’s rings.
Diffraction of light, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction by single and double slit, Plane diffraction Grating, Resolving and dispersive power of a Grating.
Polarization – by Reflection, Refraction, Double refraction, Brewster’s law, Malus law, Nicole prism, Elliptical and circular polarization, optical activity and optics of crystals.
Basic idea of Laser, Different types of emission, 3 & 4 level laser, Application of Laser.
Solid State Physics: Crystal structure, Miller indices, different types of crystal lattice, Packing fraction, Electrons in solids, Energy bands in solids,
X-rays, Production and its application, Continuous and characteristic X- rays, Moseley,s law, Crystal diffraction and Brags law.
Modern Physics: Atomic Structure, Atom Models, Electron orbits, Atomic spectra, Energy levels and spectra, Particle properties of wave, Photo-electric effect, Compton effect.
Wave mechanics, De Brogle Waves, Uncertainty Principle, Schrodinger’s equation and its solution for one electron atom.
Atomic nucleus, Nuclear binding energy, Nuclear force, Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission, Pair production, Radioactive decay and transformations. Law of radioactive disintegration, Half-life, Mean life, Law of radioactive successive disintegration.
Special theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, Time dilation, Length contraction, Relativity of mass, Mass-Energy relation.
Ph-222: Physics-III Sessional
3 hours/week Credit: 1.5
Laboratory experiments based on Ph-221
EEE-231: Electrical Machines-I
4 hours/week Credit: 4
D. C. Generator: Principles, Construction, Classification, Armature windings, Voltage build up, Armature reactions and Commutation, Performance and testing, Compounding of d.c. generator, Generator characteristics, Voltage regulation, Losses and efficiency, Parallel operation.
D. C. Motor: Operation, Types, Back e.m.f, Torque equations, Motor characteristics, Speed-Torque characteristics, Speed regulation, Losses and efficiency, Methods of speed control, Methods of braking, Starters, Amplidyne and Metadyne.
Single Phase Transformer: Principles, Types, Equivalent circuits, Performance and testing, Regulation, Losses and efficiency, Parallel operation, Auto-transformer, Instrument transformers.
Poly Phase Transformer: Polyphase transformer construction, Polyphase transformer connections, Harmonics in polyphase transformer, transformer cooling.
Polyphase Induction Motor: Principle of operation, Constructional details, Classifications, Equivalent circuits, Starting torque and maximum torque, Speed‑torque relations, Losses and efficiency, Circle diagram, Starters, Methods of speed control, Methods of braking and plugging, Induction generator.
EEE-232: Electrical Machines-I Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-231
EEE-261: Computer Programming
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Elements of computing systems and programming languages. Number systems. Principles of programming, flowcharts, algorithm. variables constants, operators, expression, data types, control statements, input/output statements, subroutine, functions.
Structured programming concepts, variables, constants, operations, expressions, data types, control statements, procedures, functions, recursion, arrays, strings, pointer, arrays, records. I/O system in C, graphics, dynamic memory allocation. Object Oriented Programming (OOP): Objects, Polymorphism, inheritance, classes, function and operator overloading, virtual functions, C++ streams, OOP with C++.
EEE-262: Computer Programming Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-261
EEE-291: Transmission & Distribution of Electrical Power
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Inductance of Transmission Lines: Flux linkages, Inductance due to internal flux, Inductance of single phase two‑wire line; Flux linkage of one conductor in a group, Inductance of composite conductor lines, G.M.D. Examples, 3-phase line with equilateral and with unsymmetrical spacing, Parallel circuit 3-phase lines, Use of table.
Capacitance of Transmission Lines: Electric field, Potential difference between points due to a charge, Capacitance of a two‑wire line, Group of charged conductors. Capacitance of 3-phase line with equilateral and with unsymmetrical spacing, Effect of earth, Parallel circuits lines.
Resistance and Skin Effects: Resistance and temperature, Skin effects influence on resistance, Use of table. Current and voltage relation on a transmission line; Representation of line‑ short, medium and long transmission lines; T and p representation, Exact solution, Equivalent circuit of a long line; Generalized Line Constants; General line equation in terms of ABCD constants, Relation between constants, Charts of line constants, Constants of combined networks, Measurements of line constants.
Circle Diagrams: Receiving and sending end power circle diagrams, Power transmitted, Maximum power, Universal power circle diagrams. Voltage and power factor control in transmission systems; Tap changing transformers, On‑load tap changing; Induction regulators, Moving coil regulators, Boosting transformer; Power factor control: Static condenser in series or parallel, Synchronous condensers, Ferranti effect.
Mechanical Characteristics: Transmission line Sag and Stress analysis, Wind and Ice loading, Supports at different elevations, Conditions at erection; Effect of temperature changes.
Insulator for Overhead Lines: Types of insulators and their constructions and performance, Potential distribution in a string of insulators, String efficiency, Methods of equalizing potential distribution, Special types of insulators, Testing of insulators, Corona.
Insulated Cables: Cables versus overhead lines, Insulating materials, Electrostatic stress grading, Three‑core cables, Dielectric losses and heating, Modern development on oil filled and gas filled cables; Measurement of capacitances, Cable testing.
Distribution system: Radial, Ring mains and interconnections.
2nd Year 2nd Semester Courses
Math-223: Engineering Mathematics-IV
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Matrix: Definitions, Addition, Multiplication of matrices, Transpose of matrix and Inverse matrix.
Differential Equation: Definition, Formation of differential equations, Solution of first order differential equations by various methods, Solution of differential equation of first order and higher degrees. Solution of general linear equations of second and higher orders with constant co-efficient, Solution of Euler’s homogeneous linear equations, Solution of differential equations in series by the method of Frobenius. Bessel’s functions, Legendre’s Polynomials and their properties.
Partial Differential Equation: Elimination of arbitrary constant and arbitrary function, Solution of differential equation by the method based on the factorization of the operator. Solution of the linear and non-linear partial differential equations by various methods, Homogeneous P.D.E. of higher order with constant co-efficient, Non homogeneous linear equations with constant co-efficient, Non-homogeneous linear P.D. E. with variable co-efficient.
CE-213: Mechanics of Solids
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Introduction, Analysis of forces, Stress and strain, Mechanical properties of materials, Allowable stresses, Stresses in the pressure vessels, Torsional stresses in circular shafts and circular beams.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate structures, Stresses in beams, Deflection, Combined Stresses, Column, Welded and riveted joints, Stress-strain characteristics of guys and cables, Cable and guy Structures.
CE-214: Mechanics of Solids Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on CE-213
ME-211: Thermofluid Mechanics
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Fundamental concepts and definition of Thermodynamics. Equation of state, Properties and laws of perfect gases. Non-flow and Flow processes. Ideal gas cycles. Law of Thermodynamics and their corollaries. Internal combustion engines : Petrol engine. Diesel engine and gas turbines. Properties of pure substance, Thermodynamics of steam generation, boilers, vapour power cycles: Carnot cycle, Rankine cycle and Reheat cycle. Steam turbines, Basic refrigeration cycle.
Fundamental concepts of Fluid Mechanics. Fluid properties and statics, the basic hydrostatic equation, manometers. Continuity equation for a control volume, momentum and energy equations. Laminar and turbulent flows, Flow through pipes, Flow measurement devices. Turbomachineries: Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine, Centrifugal and Reciprocating pumps, Fans.
ME-212: Thermofluid Mechanics Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on ME-211
EEE-233: Electrical Machines-II
4 hours/week Credit: 4
Single Phase Induction Motor: Principle, Construction and types, Performance, Double revolving field theory, Cross field theory, Equivalent circuits.
Special Machines: Universal motor, Repulsion motor, Reluctance motor, Electrostatic motor, Permanent magnet motor, Hysteresis motor, Stepper motor and Power modulators; Power rectifiers and Frequency multipliers.
Synchronous Generators: Alternators, General outline of synchronous generators, Types of alternator, Salient pole and nonsalient pole, Armature and field cores, Winding, Insulation, Cooling. Air‑gap flux and voltage expressions, Armature Windings, Alternator regulation, Determination of machine parameters from tests, Phasor diagrams, armature reaction, Concept of direct and quadrature axis reactances, Losses and efficiency, Blondel's two reaction analysis, Transient conditions in alternators, concept of interconnected system of alternators, Conditions, Methods and problems of parallel operation and load sharing of synchronous generators.
Synchronous Motors: General Constructional feature, Theory of operation, Motor terminal characteristics, Mathematical analysis, phasor diagrams, V‑curves, Motor tests, Losses, Efficiency and starting.
Generalized Energy Conversion Process: General principles of Electromechanical energy conversion, Energy storage, Transformation and conversion, Methods of formulation of motion equations and co-ordinate transformation, Interpretation of generalized machines from field concepts.
EEE-234: Electrical Machines-II Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-233
EEE-251: Electronics-I
3 hours/week Credit: 3
Introduction to Semiconductors: Semiconductor materials, Properties of Semiconductor Materials, Atomic Structure of Semiconductor materials, Covalent bond, Temperature effect on Semiconductor materials, Crystalline Structure of Semiconductors, Energy band and Fermi -Level, Charge carriers in intrinsic and extrinsic Semiconductors, Diffusion and Drift of carriers, P- and N-type Semiconductors, P-N junction under forward and reverse bias. Diodes & It’s Applications: Graphical analysis of diode circuits, Equivalent circuits, Rectifiers and smoothing filters, Regulated power supplies. Characteristics of Different types of Diodes: Zener, Tunnel, Schottky and Photo diode.
Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs): Principal of Operation, I-V Characteristics, Transistor Circuits Configurations (CE, CB, CC), BJT Biasing and Thermal Stabilization, AC Load Line. BJTs at Low Frequencies: Hybrid model, h-parameters, Small Signal Analysis of BJT amplifiers, BJTs at High Frequencies: hybrid pi-model.
EEE-252: Electronics-I Sessional
3/2 hours/week Credit: 0.75
Laboratory experiments based on EEE-251